Catégorie : You’re Up in english
July 19th, D 4 : Day in unit and mass
A day in unit, ending with a great eucharistic celebretion, with confirmations and the inter-religious presences.
July 18th, D 3 : A scout smiles and whistles under all circumstances
Venturers who are up in spite of 2 nights spend in the Zenith theater because of the storm, Leaders who rocks, Everybody feeling fine No need to say more, You’re Up participants, are too cool !
You’re up!: 17 July, D2
They have arrived, they are finishing setting up camp! Let’s take a look at the daily life of the Scouts and Guides.
You’re up!: 15 days to build a town
This is the challenge of You’re up!: to transform a parking area and fields into a town with 15,000 inhabitants. And all this in just 15 days! This article will be updated again and again, so read it from bottom to top if you want the correct chronological order!
July 17th, D 2 : Installation and Parliament
Today’s schedule : installation in the village while the 800 youngsters are in the European Parliament, and many opportunities of meetings in the villages. Highlights and inter-religious moments in the evening, the celebration of shabbat entering with israelian scouts and the celebration of Aïd el-Fitr with the muslim scouts.
16 July: the red tide has arrived!
More than 15,000 Scouts and Guides from France and beyond arrived at You’re up! on 16 July. Between the multi-seat bikes, the lost coaches, and the crackling walkie-talkies, we report from the heart of the jamboree.
The You’re up logistical challenge!
15,000 people is equivalent to the population of a town. In fact, it requires an incredible amount of infrastructure… and even more so when you know that the land was simply fields to start with. A whole town, really? Yes, really! It is an incredible amount of infrastructure, all built from nothing: – The roads…
July 16th, D 1 : Arrivals and Launching
THEY are coming THEY are here ! The 15000 venturers and scouts from the whole Europe landed and celebrated the launching during the big evening activities.
July 15th, D -1 : Preparing the Basecamp
The preparation of the basecamp, the last preparations, the ultimate meetings … and the Rovers’ ball in the service team village. Now, everything is ready to welcome the venturers tomorrow.
You’re up!: a Scout-only hospital
A gathering like You’re up! needs special medical resources to make sure the whole event runs safely. The Scouts et Guides de France take these things seriously, so they’ve built their own hospital.