Here we are, the youngster can definitely leave the Zenith, hoping this time will be the last one (spoiler : it will)
Logical following of the day before : after the breakfast served on the parvis of the Zenith, the venturers go to rebuild their tent. For the day, it is up to them, it is a unit day, many will have chosen to have a little sightseeing on Strasbourg :
other will have stayed on the field :
The day ends with lots of emotion, with the mass and prayers from muslims, jewish, protestants and chaldeans catholics (in aramean, Jesus language) scouts just before. During the celebration presided by two the archbishop of Strasbourg helped by the bishop of Martinique island, 12 youngs and adults received the confirmation sacrament.
The selection of the best photos of the day :
All this sumarized in one minute ?
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