Roverway : le week-end Head of Contingent 2015

This week-end of 17 and 18 october 2015 the second week-end of the contingent chiefs for the Roverway took place. They are the delegates of each country comming to Paris to co-organize this summer’s Roverway.

To remind you, the Roverway is the big european rally for Rovers, from 16 to 22 years, which will take place in France in 2016. Whe are expecting 5000 persons on 82 roads. There will be, for France, scouts from the 5 French Scouting associations and from the associated members.

Head of Contingent

Head of contingent, or contingent chief, is the role of the people who were present this week-end in Paris : a HoC is THE official representative of his association. He is the one who will identifie the educational objectives for his contingent. He will organise and recruit his contingent team. He will follow the preparation of the contingent and will be in concertation with the french planning team (especially this week-end) and will be in charge of the contingent’s interface during the Roverway during the central camp.

A long road to create roads

Once more, scouts from Norway, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Belgium were present and even a HoC from Canada which had to travel more than 18h to join, how brave! There weren’t any misunderstandings this time either, an interpreter was even present to help french people to understand english and vice versa.

A committed European rally

The Roverway has four themes, each road focused on one of them :
« Be your own superhero, co-constuct and surpass yourself », « A better world, create a durable world », « Broaden your sights, live in diversity », « Make your own choices, engage yourself »

An instructive rally

The international serving team’s members (IST’s) who while take part in the Roverway will benefit of formations in various categories that may interest them.
Nicolas Radisson informed us about the formation for Rovers «There will be, counting the Roverway, five big rallys in a row for Rovers. The problem of making Rovers aware of their responsibilities today to create tomorrow’s scouting arose. The idea of a common way of educating by the action since the Roverway came out to give the Rovers a « Leadership training » which despite it’s importance was absent for now.»

The tour of France !

Saturday night after a long day of work (and also a beret game after the afternoon snack, it’s necessary to relax), whe did the tour of France ! Some Breton dances followed by a massiv degustation of french products : cheeses, savoy drinks, wines, french pralines… a delight!

The question market

HoCs had the occasion to ask many questions and go back with lots of answers so they could themselves answer their contingents questions, many themes were arranged in many corners of the building. The HoCs could directly ask their questions to the french planning team about : road’s organistion, marketing, central camp’s planning, finances, logistics, transports… In short, HoCs went away with lots of answers.

A word cloud to encourage oneself

Participants of the week-end gave us words full of sense for this big rally about their expectations : experience, memories, learning, links, melting-pot, service towards the community, meetings, international, intercultural, interactions, revolution (a joke about the Rover-revolution), welcome, co-construction, road.

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